Many thanks for your interest in working with Berliner Unterwelten on your film production. Please take the time to consider the following organisational notes and conditions.
Which projects can be approved?
We only support productions about us and our work. We do not rent out our facilities as a background setting or coulisse for any other kind of production! Please refrain from contacting us with such requests!
We do not have locations appropriate for music videos, advertising work, art projects, action or other movies, reality shows, soap operas, talkshows or other similar productions. Due to constraints relating to space and personnel we are also unable to assist with low budget productions such as school or student projects. Due to the numerous enquiries that we receive, we would be most grateful if you refrain from contacting us with such requests.
We generally do not authorize filming during ongoing tours and exhibitions or during events.
As a general rule, we will only permit the filming of documentaries which are related to our work on our premises, for example the historical and technical themes which have been researched by members of Berliner Unterwelten e.V.
We expressly exclude any projects that would be considered to be immoral or fail to show due deference to the victims of war and terror, such as the slave workers who built several WW2 bunkers.
What is the deadline for filming requests?
As several of our structures are used for guided tours, film work must be planned in advance.
Requests must be made, using our contact form (see below), at least two months prior to your preferred filming date(s).
Requests made at short notice, or those not sent to us through our contact form, cannot and will not be processed.
What are the costs involved?
Due to rules imposed upon us, for example by our insurance providers, there must be a minimum of one of our employees for every five crew members. These personnel costs, as well as location costs and service charges, will need to be covered by the film team. Those in charge of our bunkers, as well as other experts, can be supplied separately to provide technical and historical advice.
The complete cost of filming in the Berliner Unterwelten will be calculated based on personnel costs, location costs, third-party charges, operational costs and, where applicable, expenses incurred in obtaining eyewitnesses and historical pictures, plans and documents.
Other Information
We require, as part of the terms for our participation in all film and television work, a copy of the completed production on DVD. This should be sent to the Association, at your cost, at the very latest immediately after the first public showing at the very latest. Please note that, whilst this is often forgotten during production, this requirement is a prerequisite for our participation.
The above mentioned terms and conditions can all be found in our contract, which will be sent to the production team prior to filming but following agreement on dates, length of the shoot, costs, size of the crew and film content.